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Governance Standards & Rules

  • Banking governance principles and rules are a set of guidelines that banks must follow to ensure sound and effective governance. These principles and rules cover a wide range of topics, including the role of the board of directors, the management of risk, and the disclosure of information to shareholders and other stakeholders.
  • The main goal of banking governance principles and rules is to protect the interests of depositors and other creditors, and to secure the stability of the financial system. By following these principles and rules, banks can help to reduce the risk of financial crises and protect the public interest.
  • Our developed governance principles and rules are constantly evolving, as new challenges and risks emerge. By following these principles and rules, we can help to ensure our long-term success and the stability of the financial system.

Message From CEO

Kazma Bank is positioned as digital bank to cater for a growing breed who were immersed in the digital world, and who thrive towards prosperity in the Digital Economy, if not its leadership.

Our branchless online business will allow customers to enjoy the freedom of full banking solutions from anywhere.

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